Don’t put these 7 things in your microwave

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Microwave has become a very necessary item nowadays. To save gas and time in urban life or to avoid the hassle of cleaning dishes, microwave is the top choice of many people these days. From heating food to baking, microwave has become a daily companion for many tasks.

But many people do not know some important information. For example, most users do not know the proper use of microwaves! 7 ingredients which are absolutely prohibited for cooking or heating in microwave, let’s identify them today.

Fruits– Any fruit that is microwaved will lose its taste, smell and nutrition. Not only that, fruits like grapes will explode and dry fruits like raisins-dates will burn and produce smoke.

Aluminum foil–It is common to cook using aluminum foil in a conventional gas or electric oven. But microwaves are dangerous. No metal utensils or objects can be used in the microwave. Because metal reflects microwaves. As a result, the food will not be hot, on the contrary, there is a possibility of fire.

Plastic products— Different plastic products are used in daily life as they are very cheap. Especially in Bangladesh. Be aware that using plastic products in the microwave is a serious threat to health. Even if it says “microwave safe”. When plastic is heated, harmful chemicals mix with food and cause various diseases including cancer.

Eggs–It would be foolish to cook eggs in the microwave. Because the egg will heat up and explode in the microwave. If boiling the eggs alone, crack the egg into a relatively thin section, then submerge in water and microwave. But if the leak is not proper, the steam will not be able to come out between the eggs. This will cause the egg to explode.

Frozen fish, meat–For quick cooking, many people microwave frozen fish and meat with spices. This should not be done. Fish, meat must be cooked at a certain temperature, otherwise there are chances of disease-germs. Frozen fish and meat do not reach the specified temperature inside when microwaved. As a result, health risks remain.

Old crockery–usually there are some souvenirs from the time of grandparents or mother in the house. Do not microwave them. Because these products are not microwave proof. The hobby will be destroyed unnecessarily.

Paper packets, restaurant food boxes–these are made from very low quality raw materials, for single use only. Many people put paper bags or restaurant food boxes directly in the microwave. This is also not correct. All these low-quality packets or boxes will mix into food with harmful chemicals when heated. Technology makes life easier. Saves time too. But technology should be used wisely. No neglect of health.

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