Delicious onion pakora recipe

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Here is a fun pakora recipe for you. This is onion pakora recipe. Then check out the delicious onion pakora recipe.


Cut medium size onion into 3 slices,

1/2 tsp turmeric powder,

1/2 tsp chili powder,

1/4 teaspoon cumin powder,

1/2 teaspoon joan,

1 tablespoon mint leaves,

2 teaspoons coriander leaves,

1 teaspoon rice powder and 5 teaspoon gram flour.


First, in a bowl, take chopped onion and add a little salt to it and keep it for 10 minutes.

Now when the water comes out from the onion, mix all the ingredients and knead it well.

Finally, heat the oil in a fry pan and make a paste.

Remove when it turns golden.

Place the pakora on top of the container with a tissue.

The tissue will absorb the excess oil.

Onion pakora was done.

Now serve hot with sauce.

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