8 Great Unknown Uses of Cornflower

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Here are some fun tips for you. In these tips, you will know 8 great unknown uses of cornflower. Check out the tips.

Relief from the pain of cockroaches

More or less everyone has to bear the pain of cockroaches. To get rid of this pain, mix equal amounts of cornflower and plaster of Paris together and put it in the cockroach’s hiding place. Trouble free.

To clean and shine window glass

Make a mixture by mixing water with cornflour. Apply this mixture on the window glass and rub gently with a cloth. Then rinse with water, watch the magic.

To remove blood stains from clothes

Mix cornflower water and make a paste. Then rub it on the blood stain of the cloth. Leave it for a while and scrub it with a toothbrush. If the stain still remains, do the same 1 more time. Then wash the clothes and dry them in the sun.

To get rid of baby diaper rash

Excess diapers can cause rashes on the baby’s body. To relieve the baby from its pain, the baby’s rash will stop during the diaper change. Also, adding 1/4 cup of cornflour to the baby’s bath water will solve the problem.

To thicken the curry broth

Sometimes, if too much water falls in the curry, the broth does not thicken even if it is heated a lot. Don’t like thin broth. Do one thing with some cornflower. The curry broth will thicken.

To get rid of oily skin

Cornflower can be used to get rid of the pain of oily skin. Use a small amount of cornflower on the skin instead of using regular powder. Or cornflower can be mixed with powder. Cornflower will absorb excess oil.

To remove ink stains from clothes

Make a paste by mixing milk with cornflower to remove ink stains from clothes. Then apply it on the stain. Once dry, scrub with a toothbrush to remove ink stains from the fabric.

Home Remedies for Burned Skin

When you go to cook, the body burns a little. Cornflower can be used for immediate treatment. Mix 1 tablespoon of cornflower and 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 8 cups of warm water and dip a gauze or clean cloth in it and apply it on the burnt area for half an hour.

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