How to make shawarma bread with frying pan

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Meat 250 grams,

5 loaves of bread,

Two teaspoons of ginger-garlic paste,

A teaspoon of cumin powder,

A tablespoon of finely chopped onion,

Half a cup of sour yogurt,

3/4 coriander leaves,

A teaspoon of kebab spice,

Half a teaspoon of pepper powder,

a tablespoon of butter,

three tablespoons of oil,

A cucumber cube,

A tomato cube,

A carrot cube,

Salt to taste.


Wash the meat and slice it thinly. Put the sliced meat in a bowl with sour curd, kebab spices, cumin, pepper powder, ginger-garlic, salt and marinate it for ten minutes.

Now place the pan in the oven and add oil. When the oil is hot, stir it well with the marinated meat and fry it on one side for ten minutes, cook it, add cucumber-tomato, onion, green chillies and stir it again.

Now put butter in the bread and make a round roll filled with the fried meat. Serve beautifully with delicious bread.

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